留学生のCristian Robert Radulescuさんが4ヶ月間滞在します。


3月より、イギリスからの留学生であるCristian Robert Radulescuさんが当研究室に4ヶ月間滞在します。

My name is Cristian Radulescu and I am a 2nd year PhD student visiting Tohoku University as part of the Long Term Attachment (LTA) program funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). I am originally from a small town in Romania and came to the UK back in 2017 for university. I received an integrated masters (MSci) in Astrophysics in 2021 from University College London (UCL). My thesis was on modeling the Saturnian current sheet where I used a Connerney current sheet model, originally used for Jupiter, on top of which I added fluctuations due to the planetary period oscillations (PPOs) that are observed at Saturn. This model was then fitted to data from the Cassini mission with very good results. I then went on to start my PhD in planetary science at UCL’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Coates. My first project: “Exploring Saturn’s Magnetosphere using pick-up ion distributions”, was focused on looking at pick-up ion distributions and creating maps of the Saturn system across all local times for pitch-angle and velocity distributions during the 2005-2010 interval of the Cassini mission. I have now started my LTA here at Tohoku University where I will stay until the end of June. Here I will be starting my second project investigating the link between PPOs and magnetic Reconnection at Saturn. This project will be done in collaboration with Univeristy of Michigan as well, which I will be visiting in September. At TU I will be using PIC simulations to look at how reconnection is affected by the thickness of the current sheet and the composition of the plasma. The hope is that these simulations will tell us what the upper and lower limits are for these parameters which we will the be able to use in larger scale MHD simulations to determine the position of PPO induced reconnection events. Once these positions have been determined, we can then compare them to Cassini data and try to identify signs of reconnection to finally answer the question: Do PPOs cause reconnection at Saturn?
